Welcome to the training grounds where you become the modality.


Watch the introduction video below



You're not alone.

These words were the most important words I could've ever heard in the awakening of my psychic gifts.

There are so many people, just like us...

who've been the black sheep, sent from higher dimensional planes, here to help the planet ascend in this very moment.

..Just like the moment that led you to this page.

No one comes to my world by accident.


 We do it a bit differently around here.

We, at TEAM VP, hold the belief...


That mainstream modalities aren't necessary in order to become the kind of Healer you're meant to be.


We want you to know it's all within you..

We want you to know other modalities are hardly scratching the surface..

We want you to know sovereignty is the New Earth way..


And this is when I have the honor of presenting to you, 





This is your year...

to make sense of YOUR gifts...

the way YOU bridge the worlds...

how to access what has always been yours...

and to anchor The Sovereign Healer Embodiment. 


These are two 9 month experiences...

that will stick with you for a lifetime.



"It truly feels like this space for the first time in my life,  even though I've been in other masterminds — this feels  not only like we've we've done this before,  but it truly feels like we're going to be doing work in the future together. I was called to be in this space. 

I answered the call and really, I'm not leaving this space, but taking your energy with me.  And I'm so inspired and it's such a miracle to witness others. Oh my gosh, thank you, thank you.There's so much that I want to give, and there's so much that I want to create. And so, V, I really want to say, I've invested in other masterminds before. And I can tell you,  never have I gotten so much from one mentor. 

This is so different.  This space is so unique, so different.  And this is exactly what I needed and more.  You told me before getting into this container, “Just give me seven weeks…”

And I thought to myself, okay, I’m going to do this. I am going all in. I trusted myself and I keep trusting myself. 

Yes, the self doubt comes and then the distortion, but I'm so rooted in my mission and my dharma. It is truly unshakable. I I'm unstoppable and the faith  and the integrity and with my heart, I've never felt like this before. I'm so blessed really to be in this space.  So touched.  I feel  I am more than ready. My guidance is like, let's go, you know,  come on, like, you're ready, like, where are you waiting for, you know, keep going, you, you're okay, you're gonna be fine, you're taking care of. Every single day it keeps getting better and better even when I’m going through life.

When I first heard the name — Sovereign Healer — it just felt so true.  It was just like pure, pure truth. And then this is exactly what I'm getting from here. The level of integrity that you have, the level of integrity present in here — I have never seen it. I want to get into every single container. It's so inspiring, you know, and this shows me my potential. I have the visions and there's absolutely nothing stopping me. 

I have no words really, to describe  other than so much gratitude. Thank you so much V!"



NOTE: *THIS WAS PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS OAG. ALL CURRICULUM IS THE SAME.* We intentionally move through 9 phases of sovereign psychic and energy healing development! This is a *passive* replay course, downloaded monthly into Kajabi + additional Zoom calls beginning on month 5.


 MODULE 1. Preparing your energy — earth star

MODULE 2. Grounding techniques — root

MODULE 3. Opening + cleansing techniques — sacral 

MODULE 4. Protection techniques — solar

MODULE 5. How to begin feeling, seeing, and moving energy — heart

+ Added call

MODULE 6. Channeling + full aura readings and clearings — throat

+ Added call

MODULE 7. Discerning the spirit world + advancing clearing work — third eye

+ Added call

MODULE 8. Sourcing + tying it all together — crown

+ Added Call

MODULE 9. Embodiment + final exam— soul star 

+ Added call

I'm IN!


 Allow me to formally introduce myself:


I am a global energy healer and psychic development teacher,  the founder of THE GREAT MERGE™️, a global lightwork event channeled during specific collective transits when the greatest transformation for the planet can be made. I also am the founder of THE SOVEREIGN HEALER™️ school and certification which strategically teaches gifted, intuitive and awakening souls how to access their natural psychic and energy healing gifts without needing any mainstream modality or attunement.


I believes it’s all within you.

What other students from THE SOVEREIGN HEALER™ have said:

"Victoria, I've been searching for a mentor like you who can really kind of put it all together for me because I know that I am powerful in what I do and at the same time, the mentors that have guided me along my path have been able to give me little snippets, little pieces of how to, you know, that I needed to close down everybody's field before I was done with a session with them.


I'm just so, so grateful for all of the time and the money and the effort and you knowing, full doubt, like without any doubt, just with blind faith and followed your path to be here for us today because it is, more than I could have ever asked for.


I truly have been praying for someone that is so aligned on ethics and integrity and the ability to to really help me step into my gifts more with all of that and to not just piecemeal it anymore… how I've learned has been actually more little bit from you know a medium here or a healer there and me really putting it all together on my own and this container working with you has really skyrocketed and solidified everything that I've been doing tenfold. So thank you, thank you, thank you from my heart. Thank you."


- C




Start date: September 1st, 2024

End Date: May 31st, 2025 after final certification exam

Total Access to the school: 12 months of access to your Client Kajabi Portal in which your monthly modules will be dripped. (Please note this offer is passive until month 5 of the school, where 60 minute live calls will be added.)

Additional: Lifetime access to the SOVEREIGN HEALER Facebook Group for community building


Doors close December 31, 2024


*Note* If you do not see a button for the Mastermind, that means we are not accepting any more applications as the Mastermind is now full. 

Sovereign Healer™ School PIF

$999 (save $189)

1 payment of $999

What’s included:
  • Monthly teachings that are dropped into your Client Kajabi Portal 
  • LIFETIME ACCESS Facebook Group where you can network and have a community of like-minded healers 
  • ADDITIONAL Live Calls ADDED on Months 5-9 (Starting from the Heart Chakra Module) 
  • Final Exam for Certification in May
I'm IN!

Not quite ready to join?

Get on our waitlist to be the first to know when Sovereign Healer School or Mastermind opens again! 

What is the end result of joining THE SOVEREIGN HEALER SCHOOL or THE MASTERMIND?


You will have the tools to become a fully skilled sovereign, psychic energy healer. You will learn the foundations of accessing your natural healing technology without having to be attuned, trained through a modality, or taught by anything other than your own meditation practices and 100% accurate guidance.


Should you take your growth in your own hands and meet the teachings with repetition, you will exit the 9 month experience eager and equipped to enter the world of energy healing services through your natural, psychic abilities.


More Testimonials

Earnings Disclaimer
You agree that we are not responsible for your earnings, the success or failure of your personal or business decisions, the increase or decrease of your finances or income level, or any other result of any kind that you may have as a result of information presented to you through our Website or social media channels, or through our courses, coaching, mentorship, masterminds, retreats or through any materials or intellectual property of Victoria Pippo Coaching, Inc. You, and you alone are solely responsible for your financial results. You further acknowledge, attest, and agree that Victoria Pippo Coaching, Inc. has in no way at any time represented, implied, warranted, suggested, promised, projected, insinuated, or made any representations whatsoever to you about your results or future earnings, or that you will earn any money, increase your income from any purchases made from Victoria Pippo Coaching, Inc.