Finally, a brand mentor that combines engaging and engagement into one...
That combines trending algorithm hacks with content that feels laid back...
That can hold my bigger vision while also staying current to the shifting times...
That understands what it actually takes to create an authentic brand that sacrifices nothing, and welcomes all of me...
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We only work with the greatest industry Leaders, the cutting edge innovators, and the societal agitators here.





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We're so thankful you're here.

We know this work calls in a certain kind of Leader with a bigger vision than most. We celebrate you for aligning yourself to our work. By night, we are lovers. By day, we are powerful co-creative channels who've decided to come together to support powerful industry Leaders to come into their full expression online whilst also staying relevant and conscious of the trends, twists, and turns with the ever changing algorithms and online strategies.
What do we do?
We give industry Leaders permission to be themselves (WOW SHOCKER!). After they've acclaimed a certain level of success, they come to us for true fulfillment where their brand (who they are) compliments their branding (how they translate who they are in business).


Our mission statement:

There is no one in any industry that has the perfect blend of content creator knowledge & coaching knowledge like we do. 


Where over 700,000 organic community members have been built in less than a year through Hayden's platforms and over 20 years of world renowned professional brand experience combine with Victoria's cutting edge creative channel.


A content creator needs to stay up to date with current trends and algorithm hacks whilst also staying current without sacrificing their own creativity. A coach must stay relevant in their niche by continue to self-reflect, stay plugged into Source energy, and know the way to stand out in their field.


Our mission is to help wildly successful entrepreneurs catalyze their reach and traffic by emphasizing their uniqueness. We will refine and elevate who you TRULY are beyond the filters of what you've learned so far, and find your ZING that makes you a mogul in your industry.


This is the HV experience.



What you can expect...


  • Curated support based on your unique company & brand intentions.
  • Trending strategies & content observations that can be applied instantly.
  • Hands on support on Copy, Content, Engagement, and Creation.
  • Having two powerful influences who've transitioned their brands entirely online and have continued to generate a 7-figure company together.
  • The alignment of your authentic 'edge of your seat' content that makes you a stand-out leader using Gene Keys, Breath work, Animal Work and Energy Healing within your industry.