Ascension has been a wild ride this year, Lightworker.


One giant, LOL, am I right?!


It’s been a year of DEPTH & RANGE of HEALING I think we can all agree…


We definitely needed… but sometimes, we definitely didn’t want.


You’ve had to find your unique set of tools, tools that have helped you to cultivate inner peace and unconditional trust despite the challenges, twists, and turns that’ve seemed to appear tirelessly in 2023.


I know you know…


There’s so much more coming for the Planet.


I also know you know…


You’re awake because you’re meant to CONTRIBUTE.


You’ve been working on becoming ASCENSION BULLETPROOF,


So no matter the incoming surges of mass collective change,


You can hold onto the foundations you’ve built from your CORE this year.


What if I told you there are codes and tools that can help you become UNFUCKWITHABLE through…


Any heavy emotion…

Any limiting belief…

Any jarring change…

Any tests in your physical reality…


What if I told you Transcendance and Mastery could become more than just jargoned concepts, and could actually be taught in a way you can understand and apply in your life TODAY? 


I’m FINALLY setting the codes free…


AND you, destined to pioneer the new template of embodiment are going to be encoded with them…


So nothing…


Can slow you, stop you, confuse you, or interfere with you.


You will walk out of this transmission with,  “Oh My God, I can’t believe I have this Bulletproof Vest to navigate all this wack shit happening on Planet Earth” energy.






a one-day master transmission


Slay Anything Ascension Throws Your (OUR)Way

I'm Ready to Slay

WHO: Lightworkers

WHAT: A Master Transmission where you learn the Elemental Wisdom to make you Jedi-Equipped to navigate ANYTHING ascension throws your way.

DURATION: 2hours

PRICE: 44$

ACCESS:  Lifetime

Come at me, Ascension. I'm ready

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